Aard Fu is an episode of
In this episode Pink Panther at seem to be resting by the fireplace he is woken up by big nose who tiptoes behind him much to his anger an evil Chase is spun around Palace until he tries to grab it with the stairs holders Saint Paul Pink Panther tries to escapehe see a piano and panic big nose runs away and Pink Panther runs through the wall which is a dead end then after the piano hits him killing Pink Panther he wakes up finding an Escalade then he sees all friends poppy who has been run over by a stroller Toby Moby and topi who were thrown in the river after trying to make a trick and Brian who was thrown out of the spaceship and bumped his head after they leave Pink Panther a spoken out by the heaven woman bad and woman tells him if he apologizes to big mouth about his problems he'll go to a train if nothell be go down to Hell pink Panther promises however the woman only says 1 hour he wakes up finding himself in his own bed and finds out that it had been a dream he runs off to find big nose who is crying about Pink Panther going away until he tell him to write however after trying to write the notes access him to use red ink he is wanted by the angel woman who says don't forget Pink Panther shows the clock and scarves it away then he tries to please big mouth if he doesn't write it he'll go to hell so then he decides to however he finds out that there is no blue ink Pink Panther grab it can't squirts it in the wall and please him once more big nose signs that with his nameas Panther goes up the Escalade and try to join the cats in the train but fails who won the Accolade disappear Cuban doll food haul and then he'll keep real wants to starve him that he will stay here forever with his crime and not joining all the friends from the train of Heaven he wakes up finding himself that everything has been a dream when the fire Candlestick makes him Yelp he then finds out that he just had a bad dream he rushes to big nose to tell him that he had joined all his friends and slept in the train of Heaven big nose Scruggs one Pink Panther squeezes him so hard that this him turn into peaches turn back into his normal self before disappearing into this mean granted in the house he calls for help but falls through the whip hole .