Pink Panther and Pals Wiki

One Too Many Chefs


the episode starts with aardvark trying to grab ant. then he mentions aardvarks eat ants. then aardvark asks himself why is ant the only one he can catch. ant asks aardvark if he can eat something else. ant pushes a pile of food and fruit. then starts throwing them at aardvark's face. ant goes online on goober. aardvark sneaks up then puts his mouth at the laptop then electrocutes himself. meanwhile at jungle chef. mockingbird mike was the host. it was a 1 on 1 competion. ant vs googoo croc. ant said he was steaming. aardvark liked what ant said. googoo croc said that ant will be toasted. aardvark questioned himself like... toast an ant? then at the end aardvark had a bite of garlic. ant mockingbird mike and googoo croc said eeek. aardvark says my diet is ruined. The episode begins where Pink Panther is ready to go to his biggest marathon the cooking show big nose explains what he is going and pink panther says that he is going to his biggest Marathon the cooking show big nose is excited by this moment and decides to go with Pink Panther meanwhile at the cooking show, Aardvark comes to visit he says that he has a group of aardvarks just waiting for Pink Panther the start the cooking show starts and on level one, everyone is supposed to make soup Pink Panther tries to make a beef stew but accidentally uses garlic bread Pink Panther is scared by this moment and removes the garlic bread after the level one, Pink Panther wins much to the Aardvark anger big nose is horrified by them fighting and decides to go get help Mockingbird Mike after Mockigbird Mike appears, he tells Pink Panther to stop fighting or the show will be ruined however he does not listen and puts him inside a pot of stew the show starts to go out of control Pink Panther knocks over a can of black beans and aardvark swallows a pair of strawberries and grapes however Mike manages to get free from the stew bubbling Mike grabs Pink Panther arm Pink Panther tries to budge the Mockingbird out of the arm. Aardvark and big nose wrapping Panther however they knock over the black Beans and the pair of strawberries and grapes Pink Panther stands beside him saying I hope you noticed in me however he is not angry he is glad that Pink Panther had made the yummiest garlic bread and strawberries and grapes and oranges and beef stew in town aardvark and the group of aardvarks are kicked out of the marathon meanwhile back home, Pink Panther discovers what he is going to have next for dinner meanwhile, Mike sits down watching his favorite the case of Mockingbird Mike.


  • In the pot, Mike shouts "hey! '"get me out this instant young man"!.

Mockingbird Mike is the host of the cook off.

Goobber was renamed instead of Google in this episode
