Pink Panther and Pals Wiki

Pink Magic is a Pink Panther And Pals episode from Season 1. In this episode, Pink Panther and Big Nose does magic tricks against each other


The episode starts with a theater with the magician Big Nose showing some magic tricks like making his wand into a bouquet that he later hid, do magic with hands exposing scarfs that he hid too, and raises sparks however the right one near him didn't go off, while having only two people in the audience bored. Seeing the boredom, Big Nose tries a card trick, making the lady cough in the back meanwhile, he continues and shuffles the cards then asks the man in the front to pick one which he chooses the Jack of Hearts.

Big Nose then puts the card back into the pile and shuffles them before taking out his magic wand and taps in the middle causing it to shake and letting out sheets of toilet paper surprising him until it stops and he takes a glance in the middle before an empty toilet paper roll pops out and gets on his two eyes which he later sees the man he asked yawned in boredom making Big Nose realize that it didn't work and pulled offstage by a cane. He then walks home after his failure while grumbling before the night turns to day. Pink Panther was walking on the sidewalk near the theater and stumbles on Big Nose's poster as a magician then pulling his wrist and pulls a curtain on the poster down, changing the picture to himself and later puts on a tophat and starts bowing down then copies his pose on the poster til jumping inside.

Big Nose arrives walking down to perform more magic until he sees the poster showing Pink Panther instead of him and winks making Big Nose upset and run inside but hits on the doors and bangs on them before the employee in the box office snaps at him and commands to come over to the stand which he does and gives him the money to enter the theater meanwhile Pink Panther bows down to the audience before getting ready for his next trick pulling both of his sleeves. He then takes out a tiny safe til throwing it up in the air and walk away while it falls slowly to the ground and lands before suddenly growing big and opens revealing Pink Panther inside getting an applause from the audience meanwhile Big Nose wanders in the clapping and finds him doing another trick by pulling out a rose from his ear and throwing it up transforming the rose to a yellow balloon before taking two more roses from his ear making one wide and using the other as an arrow shooting it at the balloon popping it, later releasing three flamingos.


Pink Panther

The Little Man/Big Nose

The Audience


Written by: Ken Segall

Directed by: Cecilia Aranovich


  • The first time Big Nose cries.

