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Reel Pink is the 56th episode of Season 1 in Pink Panther and Pals.


Pink steps into the movies when Big Nose tries to evict him from the theatre.


When Pink Panther arrived at the cinema cilent's film, he wanted to ask Big Nose for a ticket to the last episodes's viewing, but the ticket seller look him indifferent before when he's living with Pink Panther in a long time and after than he asked Pink Panther to giving his money but his money has empty pockets, and then the seller tried to get Pink away in the moment before he seen a suit-man while he’ll get attention to sneak into and watch film until no one seen him. While he keep watching in movie cilent, he smiles and laughing making Big Nose appears want him to get silence (even though it's a comedy), but he still keeps laughing a lot while he watching a silent comedy film that's making Pink goes to crazy smile and after that Big Nose wanted to getting Pink away to avoid the annoying and trouble here again.

Pink Panther must make a new idea conspiracy to get inside the cinema again, but instead that, Pink Panther want to be became a famous comedian just like Charlie Chaplin and Laurel & Hardy to get harmony allowed with seller tickets Big Nose and allow him inside as a solemn request new styles of Pink Panther. Meanwhile Pink Panther in the cinema, he’s continue laugh just like a stupid clown, but Big Nose want Pink to keep quite in front of the screen to do not doing in a messed here again until he watching one last time. But again, he laughed in annoying making Big Nose gone wild angry to him and making the noisy mess by Pink Panther that make Big Nose goes appears in front of him, but suprise, Big Nose get a annoying frustrated growl that cause a couple of fighting in a messed place plus with a Pink Panther and Big Nose get chases each other. In the same last time, Pink Panther felt disappointed because Pink Panther living in modern current very boring and complex with Big Nose living with Pink Panther over a time after time, but Pink want to sharing with Big Nose and promised not to do it again in a last time friendship that cause by him to unfunny, but Big Nose isn’t listen to Pink Panther and Big Nose getting Pink Panther fired away here forever again.

While he still watching last time laughs in a annoyed in the comedy movie, he’s continue to laughing again in the messed comedies annoying that cause Big Nose slipped with a banana dropped to the ground, Big Nose counts a star in mumbling confusion and became a villain in these process. Big Nose fall into a frustrated angry to Pink Panther and calling the Keystone Cops to catching Pink Panther because in a messing here. As a result, Pink Panther was silly clumsy for once times about he laughing out loud cause annoying too much. In the end, Big Nose showing up and getting frustrated for growling with Pink Panther and chases him outta the cinema, a couple of duel with Pink Panther and Big Nose chases away from current to the black and white’s screen (the past) that making everybody’s laughing up too much while Big Nose and The Cops hunting Pink Panther shocking. By the end, Pink Panther and his outsiders in the screen look out the screen and seen everyone laughing and cheerful applauses in a wind up movie, before ending, Pink Panther and Big Nose wants to saying goodbye and plays a jokes yokes in front to the people watch movies in rejoice happily outside while the chasing was continues with Pink Panther and Big Nose and all the cops hunting down until the end.




Pink Panther's Laugh Was played By a Trumpet Notorious.

The Scene of the episode was seen in The Jelly Music video ("Im a Cartoon)

The old flims were from Charile Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy.

